Oxbridge Get Together – Wine and Tapas at Via Mar

Dear Society Members,

The early bird tickets for the Oxbridge Get Together are now sold out, but there are still standard member and non-member tickets available. Do please join us in the courtyard of the Singapore Art Museum this Friday for what promises to be a lovely evening!

Oxbridge Get Together – Wine and Tapas at Via Mar

Singapore may be hot all year round, but summer is still worth celebrating. And what better way to do so by kicking off the weekend with fine company, scintillating conversation and, dare we say, more than a smidgen of alcohol. (Don’t worry – teetotalers are welcome!)

Free flow of house red or white/ beer/ soft drinks
Free flow of selected tapas items.

22nd June 2012, Friday, 8 to 10.30pm
Via Mar, Singapore Art Museum

$35 for members
$45 for non-members

RSVP at this site: http://oxb-viamar.eventbrite.com

Sign up for Ordinary ($30 per calendar year) or Lifetime membership ($300 for life) on the spot and get $15 off your usual membership fee, and enjoy the preferential member rate for this event!

For more information, please contact us at: events@oxbridge.org.sg

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